Phoenix Corona Rising Pin

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Phoenix Corona Rising Pin

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Product Information

A symbol of regeneration, strength and renewal. The Phoenix  or similar fire bird can be found across many cultures Native American folklore, Asian, Greek, Celtic and Egyptian mythology. The bird either is associated with or comes from the sun. It’s scarlet and gold plumage flashed brightly, reminiscent to solar flares. The grand bird is said to live for several hundred years. As the phoenix came to the end of it’s days it built a glorious nest of spices and aromatic boughs and set it on fire; being consumed by the flames. From those ashes a new phoenix rose giving us the symbol that we are familiar with - a magnificent  bird, wings spread rising above the flames. We will not fade into the ashes and blow away with the wind; we will rise again.

The pendant is made of hand-cast, lead-free pewter. It measures 1 3/4” with a pin clasp backing.

Product CodePN-62

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